
& Booking Form


Client Group Cost PPPN Cost per Session (6hrs - up to 20 people)
Rushcliffe District Scouts & Guides £2.25 nill
Other Scouting / Guiding Groups £2.50 nill
Other Youth Organisations / County Council / DofE £4.00 £10
Other / Misc / Commercial DofE £5.00 £40
Other Charges Cost
Day Visitors £1 per day
Climbing Wall (per group of 12) £30 per hour
Archery (per group of 12) £25 per hour
Pioneering poles & lashing rope £5 per day
Orienteering & Assault courses no charge

Session use of the site can also be arranged for groups that just want a day or part day for various events and activities, the booking secretary will happily provide details of our very reasonable rates. Commercial hirings that do not conflict with Scouting use can also be arranged.

Booking Form


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